Saturday, 9 June 2012

oracle reports interview questions and answers

How many different triggers are available in Report?
 There are five types of triggers in report 6i
 1) Before report trigger
 2) After report trigger
 3) Before Parameter trigger
 4) After parameter trigger
 5) Between pages trigger
What is the Firing sequence of report trigger?
 First the before parameter trigger will raise, after firing this trigger parameter form will displayed,  after passing parameter after parameter trigger will fire query will parsed &  then before report trigger will fired then if there are number of pages in your report  then the between pages trigger will fired but it will fire between first & second & so on pages but it will not fired in reverse condition the after report trigger will fire  after closing the run time parameter form is closed.
What is the difference between After Parameter Trigger and Before Report Trigger?
 After parameter Trigger: It will fire after the parameter form is we can do validation on parameter values Before Report Trigger: It will fire before the report is executed and after the query is parsed and date is fetched.
What is the Format Trigger?
 Format Trigger is a PL/SQL function. This trigger is going to fire before an object is printed in report output. it return boolean-true then go to print -false then don't print.
What is the diff. when Flex mode is mode on and when it is off?
 When flex mode is on, reports automatically resizes the parent when the child is resized.
What is the diff. when confine mode is on and when it is off?
 When confine mode is on, an object cannot be moved outside its parent in the layout.
What is a lexical parameter?
 Lexical Parameter is used to replace the where, order by conditions at run time.
What are bind variables?
 Bind variables are used in report 6i for replacing the single parameter in the select statement  
How many different layouts are available in Reports?
 There are eight different layout formats:
 1. Tabular
 2. Form Like
 3. Form Letter
 4. Mailing Label
 5. Group Left
 6. Group Above
 7. Matrix
 8. Matrix with group
What is the minimum number of groups required for a matrix report?
 The minimum of groups required for a matrix report are 4
What is the lock option in reports layout?
 By using the lock option we cannot move the fields in the layout editor outside the frame. This is useful for maintaining the fields.
What is the Anchoring in Reports?
 Anchor is used to make fixed distance between two objects in Reports Layout.  
What is the difference between Frame and Repeating Frame?
 Frames are used to surround other objects and protect them from being overwritten or pushed by other objects. For example a frame might be used to surround all objects owned by a group to surround column headings or to surround summaries.  When you default the layout for a report Report Builder creates frames around report objects as needed; you can also create a frame manually in the Layout Model view.Repeating frames surround all of the fields that are created for a group’s columns. The repeating frame prints (is fired) once for each record of the group.When you default the layout for a report Report Builder creates repeating frames around fields as needed; you can also create a repeating frame manually in the Layout Model view
What are different types of column in reports?
 There are three types of columns in the report 6i these are:
 1) Placeholder Column – Placeholder column is used to store a value for a variable.
 2) Formula Column
 3) Summary Column
How many types of columns are there and what are they?
 Formula columns: For doing mathematical calculations and returning one value
 Summary Columns: For doing summary calculations such as summations etc.
 Place holder Columns: These columns are useful for storing the value in a variable
Can u have more than one layout in report?
 It is possible to have more than one layout in a report by using the additional layout option in the layout editor. Yes it is possible to run the report without parameter form by setting the PARAM value to Null


1.    What are the steps involved in Reports Customization?
1.    Copy the source file into custom directory and rename if required.
2.    Carry out the required changes.
3.    Create a new executable and concurrent program.
4.    Attach to a Request Group and subsequently to a Responsibility.

2.    How do you implement customized reports into Oracle Apps?
Create a new executable and concurrent program.
Attach to a Request Group and subsequently to a Responsibility.

3.    What is a User Exit?
User exit is a program, which enables executing external procedures.

4.    What are the user exits available in Oracle Apps?

5.    What is the use of FND SRWINIT?
It is used to set Profile values and environmental variables.

6.    What is the use of FND SRWEXIT?
It is used to release the memory used by Profile and Environmental variables called by SRWINIT.

7.    How do you find the report source file name?
Report’s source file name can be found from the log file of that report.

8.    Where do you find a report’s source file?
It will be found in the corresponding report directory of the Product Top.

9.    In which directory do you store the customized reports?
Report directory of Custom Top.

10. How do you ensure that customized reports are not overwritten during an upgrade?
By placing them under Custom directory.

11. Why is FND FORMAT_CURRENCY used exit called?
This user exit is used for formatting currencies dynamically.

12. How do you pass parameters to a report?
Parameters can be passed to a report via Tokens from a Concurrent Program.

13. What is the use of $FLEX$?
$FLEX$ is used in value sets to retrieve values based on a value of another value set.

14. What is FND FLEXIDVAL used for?
This user exit is used to populate fields for display. You pass the key flex fields data retrieved by the query into this user exit from the formula column. With is user exit, you can display values, descriptions and prompts by passing appropriate token (any one of VALUE, DESCRIPTION, APROMPT or LPROMPT).

15. What are the different methods of doing a Flex field report?
There are two methods of doing a Flex Field report.
1.    By using Flex Field views.
2.    By using Flex Field user exits.

16. Is there any template for reports customization?

17. From which trigger do you call the SRWINIT user exit?
Before Report Trigger.

18. From which trigger do you call the SRWEXIT user exit?
After Report Trigger.

19. Where are the log files and output files of a report stored?
Log files and Out files are stored under the Log and Out directories
Of the respective Product directory.

20. When do you call SRW.Reference?
SRW.Reference is called when you want to access the current value of any
Item / Variable in a report.

21. What is the purpose of calling FND FLEXSQL?
This user exit is called to create a SQL fragment usable by your report to
tailor your SELECT statement that retrieves flex field values. This
fragment allows you to SELECT flex field values or to create a WHERE,
ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or HAVING clause to limit or sort the flex field values returned by your SELECT statement. You call this user exit once for each fragment you need for your select statement.

22. How do restrict a user from accessing a report?
By assigning responsibilities.

23. How do you access profile values from a report?
By using appropriate procedures from FND_PROFILE.

24. What are the required parameters if you want to create a flex field report ?
·         P_CONC_REQUEST_ID.
The user exit FND SRWINIT uses this parameter to retrieve information about the concurrent request that started this report.
·         P_FLEXDATA

Thursday, 7 June 2012

what are the key differences between 11i and r12 in oracle apps

Functional Differences:

Technical Differences :

Based on high influx of mail from users requesting difference between Oracle Applications Release 12 and 11i , I decided to dedicate this post to outline few major technical difference.
Database Version in 11i (11.5.9 & 11.5.10) was 9i Rel 2 where as in Release 12 its 10g R2 (
Application Tier:
Tech Stack in Application Tier consist of iAS( & Developer 6i (Forms & Reports 8.0.6) but in Applications R12 it is build on Fusion Middleware (10g Web Server and 10g Forms & Reports)
Sub component in Application Tier
A) HTTP Server or Web Server in R12 is Version 10.1.3 which is built on Apache version 1.3.34. In apps 11i it is Version built on Apache Version 1.3.19
B) Jserv in apps 11i is replaced by OC4J (mod_jserv is replaced by mod_oc4j)
C) Forms Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Forms in R12
D) Reports Version 6i in Apps 11i is replaced by Reports in R12
E) JDBC version is changed from version 9 in apps 11i to version 10.2.0 in Apps R12
F) modplsql or mod_pls is removed from Apps R12 (
What will happen to my mod plsql applications- coming soon* )
G) Java processes use JDK/JRE version 1.5.0 in R12 against JDK version 1.3.1 or 1.4.2 in Apps 11i
H) For various environment variable changes check below picture